I began the 'official' quest on 4 June at (above) 213.3 pounds. having finished the ski season at Whistler, I noted my knees were hurting more than normal, so after driving ALL OVER the country for a month, when I got home, I decided it was time to drop weight. After a 20 mile bike ride at 81 deg F, and haven squooze a few liters of water out of me, I 'made' weight-- the minimum goal was 200 pounds, pic on right.
The methodology was to increase my rate and intensity of exercise, and cut calories in diet. I'll be honest, at my age, decreasing food consumption is a greater determinant for weight loss for me. I did increase frequency and length of runs, runs being my primary metric of performance. Although I used to run a 5 minute mile, the objective was not to delude myself I could do what I could do when I was younger, but to make some strides in cutting times.
However, I also swam some weeks three times a week vs. twice; ran three times a week vs. twice while increasing mileage from 1 and 1.69 miles to 2 mile runs; bike rides went from twice to three times (weather dependent) and from 10 miles to 20 miles on a ride. Weight room remained three times a week, but slightly higher weights and more sets. When I couldn't ride my bike, I rowed on a Concept2 for at least 5-10000 meters.

General trends in runtimes dropped from June to August as shown to the left. I am not a swimmer, but I suffered through adding some lengths (breast stroke and modified side stroke). I already have swimming lessons planned in Whistler starting in November-- gonna learn how to crawl.
Whistler will bring different modes once the snow begins to fly: cross country skiing will substitute for running; of course, snowboarding on legendary Whistler/Blackcomb; snowshoeing in backcountry, etc. For now, I met a minimal goal, and probably will try to loose 2-5 pounds more(knowing some of my weight loss was just water, and that will replenish very quickly).
That said, yes, Imma gonna get me an ice cream cone.