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Roadtrip to Whistler (via Badlands, SD)

Writer: mike bennettmike bennett

Updated: Sep 21, 2024

The time has come, once again, to set sail to the West, the road to Whistler, baby. For the third consecutive year, I've been lucky enough to make this epic snowboarding trip. Why Whistler? Because US resorts of similar snowfall are at higher elevations and would be too cold to live the winter in an Airstream. I've always said, 'if you're gonna be stupid, you gotta be tough.' I'm just not quite tough enough to be in that 0 deg F- 10 deg F nighttime temp range. I'm not a SEAL.

Those of you who have followed my Alter Ego 'Toast Man' know that I am up for challenges like eviscerating the Commie Noodle Monster, but ever since freezing my balls off in Ranger school, I shy away from altercations significantly below freezing. Something to do with getting old.

Still, the mountains around the Whistler region afford significant opportunity for being uncomfortable, so I have envisioned a solid plan involving nubile bar maidenseses...

This year's enroute quest is hanging in Badlands, South Dakota. I think this will be a bit like my trip to MOAB, but a little grimmer/grayer. Speaking of MOAB, if you want me to write a blog about that adventure, add a comment to this blog.

Clearly, as you can see to the right, I offer insights to my perilous journeys at great personal risk, all for your entertainment. I will leave behind summery weather and warmth and sunshine so you can see my ass freeze in the Polar region of British Columbia's barely inland mountain ranges at an awe inspiring elevation around 7000 feet.

Alas, many Old Fashions and heaping servings of Poutine await my arrival...again, at great sacrifice and peril. Follow me, see if I stumble and fall, if I succumb to the clutches of snow bunnies or Sasquatchian infiltrators.

These things I will bravely endure, all for your edification while you breathlessly await my next novel. What's it called, you very considerately ask? It is named thusly: Spine of the Hindu Kush and in it there will be much ass kickery. It is the sequel to Rosehips in June which also had mucho ass kickerio.

Just a little more space to fill so the words end nicely with my kayak picture. Again, if you want the deets on MOAB, leave a comment. As far as the book, keep an eye out. Maybe even both eyes.



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